I have been really bad these past few weeks. I haven't worked out, despite my want to actually do so, my eating habits haven't been horrible, I could eat more fruits and veggies, and I don't remember the last time I weighed myself.
However, today I took more small steps back towards the wagon. I have begun the process of dusting myself off, as my Aunt said.
I have been pinning like crazy in pinterest various workouts that sound easy enough for me to manage, but I haven't taken one step to follow those, no matter how small or simple they look.
I decided my plan of attack. I went through all my pins and wrote down the various exercises and how to do them, making a list of exercises. I added those that I have done in the past at the gym, ones I've seen through videos posted on BodyRockTv (I love their ideas, but I need to really modify their workouts to fit me.) Anyway, I made a long list, of about 70 exercises that affect various areas I want to work out. I threw those in a binder along with a few dividers and blank paper. Under another section in the binder I labeled the top paper as Journal. This is where I will write how I'm feeling before, during, and after the workout. I'm hoping that my words will help motivate me to continue on with my journey.
Every 10 days I will write down my measurements. So I can see the numerical difference of my journey...hopefully there continues to be one.
The third and final section of my binder I labeled Workout Log. This is where I will list what exercises I did, how many reps I managed to squeeze out, and/or how long I did them, along with what my goals for that day were and if I met them.
My goal is to do 3-4 exercises off the long list everyday. If i push myself to do a little bit everyday, hopefully it will become a habit. (I heard it takes 21 straight days of doing something to become a habit.)
SO, what was my workout today? I will tell you. Some of the exercises I renamed to help me remember what the actually are.
August 5th, 2012 Workout:
1. Spider Planks-In plank position (starting position for a push-up), tuck a knee up to touch the elbow on the same side of the body. (Ex: Right Knee touches Right Elbow). I did 10 reps each side.
2. Plank Tuck Jumps- In plank position, jump your feet toward your elbows, then jump back. I did 10 jumps.
3. Side Plank Sweep Through-Laying on your side with your elbow holding you up (AKA Side Plank) reach your top arm towards the sky and then sweep it underneath your arm holding you up to touch the ground behind you. I did 10 reps per side.
4. Plank with Leg Lifts- In plank position, lift one leg off the ground slightly and then back down. I did 10 reps per leg.
I met my goals of 10 reps per side per exercise, and I even did a little extra:
5. Flutter kicks- Leaning back on your elbows, kick your legs slightly off the ground back and forth without letting them touch the floor. I did 10 reps per leg.
6. Crunches-good old crunches. I squeezed out 20 before I needed to go attend to my crying child. =P
I am proud that I worked out today! And with my binder all put together, I will be able to take it with me when we go down to Sacramento this weekend to visit family. NO EXCUSES!
Hopefully progress will be made!