Friday, June 22, 2012

The First Step

My Aunt is writing her own blog ( about her transformation over the next year. She gave me the inspiration to do the same thing. 

Over the past few months, I have been meaning to "change". To do something different to better myself, my home, or my family. But today I am taking the first step. There are many different areas I would like to change, including eating habits, exercise habits, and organize my home. I'm sure I'll think of new ways to change my life as I go along, but those are the top 3 I want to change at the moment.

I was told that it takes 21 consecutive days of doing something in order to make it a habit. Well, then that is my ultimate goal, to make changes that become habits, that become second nature to me.

Each week I will set an objective or goal. I will work hard to meet those goals each week then I will post my results on the final day of that week.

Weekly Objective: (June 23, 2012-June 30, 2012)

  • To work out at least 3 times, for at least 30 minutes each time. 
  • To eat at least one healthy meal each day. This mainly means I want to eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid junk food. 

I believe that by setting small goals to start, I will be more likely to accomplish them, versus being overwhelmed by trying to make so many new changes to my lifestyle at once. 

Well, I have my goal, and tomorrow is Day 1 of my new lifestyle.


Walter's Mom said...

Way proud of you! I start my day out with oatmeal and blueberries. I was using brown sugar to sweeten it but my friend told me to put raw oats in a tupperware and then cover with Vanilla Almond Milk, just to the top of the oats, refrigerate over night, add fruit in the morning - YUM. It's healthy and yummy!

There is one meal down and the first one of the day!

KitKat said...

I'm not a huge fan of oatmeal, but this is worth trying! Next time I am at the store I'll have to pick up some almond milk. Thanks for the idea.